- From the newborn period onwards, it is the MOST PRACTICAL CARRYING CLOTHING.
- The carrying cover allows your baby to spend close time with you. This calms him/her,
- he feels safe.
- Hands-free so you can easily do your work while carrying your baby
- Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
- The fabric is suitable for all seasons.
- Can be washed by hand or in the washing machine.
- Recommended age: From birth (max. 13-14kg)
- The fabric is light, does not weigh.
- Put on the large piece with the back support section at the back as if you were wearing clothes.
- Thanks to the back support section on the back, your baby's weight is spread evenly.
- Attach the attachment to your baby's bottom from the back, with the feet free on the right and left.
- The insert supports your baby's back and legs.
- Check that the connections are complete and correct.
- Esnek pamuklu örme kumaştır. İçerik: %100 pamuk